Songs from a Photo Platform

Follow @lazy.plays and @dansrecs and @dailyalternativemusic on Instagram! 

Before I started this site in April, I decided to test the blogging waters with an Instagram account. Not exactly the first place you’d go looking for new music. But I already knew that pretty much all the bands and artists share their work on there, and that it’s pretty low stakes to try out new ideas there.

I learned really quickly that the music recommendation community on Instagram is absolutely full of writers, artists, fans, critics, and everyone in between. And they’re just as (most even more) obsessed with music than I am. Getting to find out what they like, and how they creatively express that, is the most rewarding part for me.

There’s only one really important thing I’ve learned in my song-hunting life. It’s not the avenue. It’s not the app. It’s the people. No matter what you do, the fastest and most meaningful way to build your music library is to do it together.

Since I’ve met quite a few people in these past months, it isn’t easy to track where I first heard a song anymore. It is easy to pick out who’s got spicy recommendations time and time again. Two of those “whos” agreed to tell me a little bit about why they use Instagram, and of course, to recommend us a few songs. 


I love music probably more than anything in the world, and sharing good songs that make people feel things makes me happy. I found myself sharing a lot of music with my friends constantly, and because most of them don’t share the same music taste as me, I needed a way to share all of these amazing songs I had come across over the years.

Not only is my account an outlet for sharing music, it is also an outlet for receiving and discovering music, which I love. I am always searching for new music, new genres, and just overall experimenting with music and my music taste, so being around so many like-minded people through this account, I am able to do that.

Even though these songs are already posted on my Instagram, I feel the need to share them again as they’ve had such an impact on my life:

Jelani Aryeh – ‘Daunt’

This song is on the border of R&B and indie / bedroom pop and this is why I love it so. It joins three of my favorite genres together. The indie-sounding guitar, strong but subtle beat, and emotional vocals all merge together to create a masterpiece. Honestly, a beautiful piece of music.


This song is a highkey bop and I truly believe anyone can get down to it, whether you like solely indie or even pop music. It’s the type of song you would listen to on a road trip with your friends.

The Walters – ‘Life’

This one’s very special to me – I’ve got a lot of memories associated with it. I can truly say that I was completely in awe the first time I heard the song; I had literally never heard anything so beautiful. If you like ambient indie, like I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) by The 1975, this one’s for you!


At the start, my music account was a photography account to post my work. However, I realized I posted my work on my main account much more and this one went inactive for about a year. In that time I found myself sharing my music with my friends via instagram. They had that neat feature where you could play a 15 seconds of a song and it really came in handy. So eventually I decided I’d share what I liked with the public, and I had an account to do it.

Prelow – ‘Mistakes Like This’

This song I wouldn’t say is special in any way, but it reminded me of a simpler time. It’s a song I listened to in middle school.

Until the Ribbon Breaks – ‘Persia’

Until the Ribbon Breaks is my all time favorite musical group that despite their work, are still rather unknown. They deserve much more credit and recognition than given. Persia is a great example of that. From one of their earlier albums “A Lesson Unlearnt”, they showed one of the most brilliant examples of complex sampling and live feed mix, each song unique but somehow managing to all be interconnected.

Gus Dapperton – ‘I’m Just Snacking’

Gus Dapperton to begin with, is an interesting and original character. He tends to sport a bowl cut dyed in some bold color, and bright clothing. His style would be considered apart of the dream pop or bedroom pop genre, but his voice gives it a unique and almost nostalgic presence.

If you like what you hear, keep an eye out for our collaborative playlist, which has even more Instagram recommenders as contributors. And as always, let us know what you liked, and what we need to hear next!

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